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Lincoln Imp Trail


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Lincoln Imp Trail

Saturday 3rd July to Wednesday 8th September 2021

We’re really looking forward to bringing the IMP Trail to the streets of Lincoln in Summer 2021!

The city will come alive this summer with the arrival of 30 individually designed, hand painted Imps as part of the Lincoln Imp Trail. 

The Trail will run from Saturday 3rd July to Wednesday 8th September 2021 with thirty Imps being displayed throughout the city, and one taking up residence at the seaside in Skegness.

Five ‘Roaming’ Imps will move among shops and businesses – peeping out from window display across the city. All 31 Trail Imps and 5 Roaming Imps will be on display with the Education Trail Imps, decorated by schools across the county and managed by our Education Partner, EBP.

We challenge you to find them all!

Download the App

Why not download the free Lincoln IMP Trail app to help you explore the city. The app will help you find all the IMPs located from the University of Lincoln to The Waterside Shopping Centre and everywhere in between! Download the app at the App Store and Google Play, click the links above or search for ‘Lincoln IMP Trail’.

Hop on Hop off Bus Tour

Lincoln’s history is brought to life with live commentary on the hop-on hop-off bus tour. The tour lasts for just under an hour, and stops include Lincoln Castle, Lincoln Cathedral, Brayford Waterfront, and the High Street. 

The first tour of the day is at 10:30am, with tours running until 4:30pm, the last tour leaves St Swithins Square at 3:30pm.

Tickets, valid for two days (the day of purchase and the following day, when the service is running) are available from the Visitor Information Centre on Castle Hill, with a discount for tickets purchased in advance. 

Call on 01522 545458 to purchase tickets in advance at discounted rate, although full price tickets are available from the driver.

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